Welcome to our new series: Viral Videos
There is a wealth of videos & investigations on the problems with electronic voting systems. On this page we'll keep adding more for you to play & share.
These videos deserve to go viral.
Please play & share them.
Check back each week.
Play this quick, riveting video that raises questions about whether
votes in the 2024 presidential election were manipulated
Election results are described as “programmatic” by a Trump Insider
The video has received thousands of views on multiple platforms.
Produced by SMART Elections.
Directed, Edited & Graphic Design by Lulu Friesdat
Researcher: Courtney White.
ID & Source Credit Graphics: Elisa Phillips
Graphics & Analysis by the SMART Elections Data Team
Inspired by a video from The Election Truth Alliance
©2025 SMART Elections. All rights reserved
This video is from a 2007 investigation by Dan Rather.
It demonstrated that in the 2000 presidential election in Florida
ballots were deliberately sabotaged by an electronic voting machine vendor
in order to increase sales for electronic voting machines.
The voting machine vendor was successful.
After the 2000 election the federal government passed HAVA
(The Help America Vote Act) mandating that all states use electronic voting machines.
Congress allocated 4 billion dollars for their purchase.