Lulu Friesdat | The Hill | October 2, 2019
"’s important to examine how security flaws in our country’s voting equipment increase the vulnerability of our elections."
Full article is also available in our archive.
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Bennie J. Smith | The Commercial Appeal | November 21, 2019
"We’ve blindly trusted voting technology until it recently came under intense scrutiny. Many technologists, concerned citizens and others now want to replace voting machines with hand-marked paper ballots to record our votes. Combined with post-election audits, these low-tech methods provide evidence that voters’ choices were counted correctly when tabulated."
Full article is also available in our archive.
Photo credit: JEFF KOWALSKY/AFP via Getty Images
Lulu Friesdat | Imby | January 24, 2020
"Elections in the U.S. are not run by neutral administrators. They are run by the parties. They are not run for the benefit of voters or the impartial determination of who has the most votes. Each party fights tooth and nail to run the elections so that their candidates benefit."
Full article is also available in our archive.
Lulu Friesdat | The Hill | August 22, 2020
"Early voting may carry increased security risks, but election officials could alleviate some of these with publicly viewable video surveillance of the voting machines, as well as all ballots and equipment such as memory cards. Strict chain of custody procedures protect us all, and increase voter confidence at a time when voters have acknowledged being worried about hacking."
Full article is also available in our archive.
Photo credit: Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images
Lulu Friesdat | The Hill | August 19, 2019
"...the ability to access the core controls of these voting machines illustrates that malware could easily be planted on them. That malware can change vote totals, or prevent thousands of people from voting."
Full article is also available in our archive.
Photo credit: Getty Images